Thursday 14 October 2021

When the days are hot and you need a dessert and the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven and heat up the kitchen, then it's the time to set up and make your own no-bake cheesecake bar, and I'll show you how easy it is – no heating up the kitchen necessary.

First of all, I took 8 ounces of cream cheese, softened cream cheese, put it in a bowl, and I beat it up a little bit to get it a little bit creamy. Now, I'm going to add some sweetener, 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, and I did sift it before I measured it, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Put that in with the cream cheese and just beat it up until it's nice and smooth and creamy.

If you have some pretty little saucers, this is a good time to bring them out and use them, but if not, just use a little dessert dish for each person. I also have a spoon for each person to use and you can demonstrate if you need to, but I don't think they're going to need instructions. Just take some of this cream cheese mixture and put it on your dish or in your dessert bowl, and then you're ready to top it with some berries.

You can use any fresh fruit of the season. Right now, the berries are plentiful and delicious, so I'm using raspberries and blueberries, and just put a few on top of that cheesecake filling, and then all you need is some graham cracker crumbs over the top, and there you've got your no-bake cheesecake: a yummy dessert, no oven required.

I'm Sue Doeden, sharing Good Food for Good Life, 365.

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The post appeared first on RECIPES WELLNESS.


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